This section contains links to enable you to download copies of a wide range of information pages relating to the operation of the school and its curriculum.
The documents are listed alphabetically below. Some Curriculum related policies are awaiting Government policy changes before being updated. Some key documents relating to Governance are on the ‘GOVERNORS’ page.
The documents are all in Microsoft Word format or PDF. Clicking on the links will open a Word document in a new window.
- Able Pupils
- Accessibility Plan
- Appraisal
- Aggressive Behaviour
- Art and Design
- Attendance
- Code of Conduct
- Charging and Remissions
- Child Protection
- Child Protection annex for phased reopening June 2020
- Complaints
- Complaints: Persistent or Vexatious
- Computing
- Confidentiality
- Data Protection
- Design and Technology
- English
- E-Safety
- Extended Schools Provision
- First Aid
- Financial Procedures
- Geography
- Health and Safety
- Health and Safety Statement
- Healthy Food
- History
- Home-school agreement
- Illness
- Intimate Care
- Managing Medicine
- Maths
- Maths (Calculation Methods)
- Mental Health and Well-being
- Mobile Phone
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Music
- Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
- PE
- Planning for Learning
- Positive Behaviour
- Positive Behaviour annex for phased reopening June 2020
- Prevent
- Pupil Premium
- RE and Collective Worship
- School Security
- Science
- School Uniform Policy
- Single Equality
- Tapestry
- Teaching and Learning
- Tracking and Data
- Privacy Notice for Pupils
- Privacy Notice for Staff
- Travel Plan
- Violence at Work
- Whistleblowing
- Work Experience
- Young Carer