Rich Curriculum with ‘Global Ready’ Citizens
Rich Curriculum with ‘Global Ready’ Citizens Despite the pressure on schools to focus on teaching reading, writing and maths, Mrs Wrixon has always been a champion for a rich, broad and exciting curriculum. For many years the school has enhanced the curriculum by giving year 4 the opportunity to learn an instrument, offering 1:1 musical instrument tuition, setting up the Forest school initiative, supporting intra school PE, maintaining three residential trips, scheduling frequent visitors to school, maintaining the swimming pool, supporting the year 6 London trip and arranging the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra project and ensuring the teaching of French as a modern foreign language. The importance of providing an inspiring and diverse curriculum has always been close to Mrs Wrixon’s heart, long before Ofsted’s renewed focus on the quality of the curriculum provided to children. She also supported Mrs Gilham in her application for the International School Award recognising the school’s work on global issues, Mrs Lewis’s work to develop the support for children suffering with mental health concerns, as well as the deep learning provided by staff, and Mr Field in particular, on diversity and difference. This was singled out as a strength of the school with the inspector commenting that the children ‘are exceptionally well-informed about diversity and difference. Pupils are accepting in their outlook and are willing to challenge prejudice and discrimination.’