Pressure Released as Ofsted Inspection Goes Well
Pressure Released as Ofsted Inspection Goes Well Staff and governors breathed a huge sigh of relief when the School’s Ofsted inspection finally came to an end on 22nd February and the inspector drove away, not to visit again for at least another four years. Mrs Wrixon greeted the phone call from the inspector on the first Monday after half term with excitement and enthusiasm before letting all the staff know that it was ‘show time.’ The inspection , a source of some trepidation for all the teachers for over two years, could not have gone better, with the whole school team, including parents, children, governors, teaching assistants and teachers all pulling together to show the inspector all aspects of the school in their most positive light. The night before, teachers tidied up displays and classroom and put into action all the preparations which they had worked on tirelessly for the preceding twenty four months. Thanks to the foresight of Mrs Wrixon, each question and inquiry the inspector made had already been second guessed in the previous two years of planning, allowing the school to take the inspection process in its stride. The final report is a pat on the back for all those involved and has left the staff simultaneously elated and exhausted.