New Look for End of Term Fundraiser
After two years when it has not been possible to raise funds for the school in the traditional way, Kiri Cavendish and her band of trusty
PTFA helpers decided on a fresh approach to the post KS2 Production ‘family night’.
A renamed event called the Summer Festival included innovations such as a tug of war, limbo dancing, face painting and street food stalls, as well as the much loved live music and bar. As an enormous game of football commenced on the top playground, staff were relieved to see the cardboard stocks disintegrate following some accurate soapy sponge throwing, particularly from Georgie in year 3. The highlight of the evening was the Bulgarian dancers. A mixture of parents, current and ex-pupils skilfully demonstrated some traditional Bulgarian dances before various brave souls, led enthusiastically by Mrs Wrixon were given the opportunity to have a go for themselves.