Marvellous Mill Art Project Film Released
You may remember that last July the children in years 3,4 and 5 (now years 4,5 and 6) took part in a project with an artist in residence Sarah Butterworth. Each class spent a day working under a marquee and in the open air at Sturminster Mill with Sarah. At the same time, various musicians visited the school performing and demonstrating musical instruments with the children, working in the open air. The project culminated with an open day at the Mill, during which visitors were invited to see the work the children had created floating on the river, resting on the bridges and hiding in the reeds around the mill. There were also various refreshments and opportunities to take part in music workshops. This was all carefully filmed and has recently been edited into a short but excellent video by the Emerald Ant arts group. The project was supervised by Mr Field who hopes that in the future the Mill, Emerald Ants and William Barnes will collaborate again to produce another excellent community arts project.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column]