Bridge Street, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1BZ

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A Message from Head Teacher Karen Wrixon

At William Barnes Primary School we believe that “Every Child Counts”.  Staff and Governors are committed to the pursuit of high achievement alongside a love of learning and the development of a well-rounded child. This is shown through our “Vision”.

We believe in a “Growth Mindset”, where everyone can succeed if they work hard and recognise new challenges as opportunities. Underpinning this belief, is our conviction that the development of healthy, emotionally resilient children will lead to independent thinkers and confident learners.

William Barnes welcomes the partnership between staff, children, parents, governors and the community so that all children can live fulfilling lives as 21st Century citizens. I am always available before school on the playground if parents/carers would like to chat and I also welcome parents/carers to make appointments if they would like a longer talk. Please come and share your thoughts with me, they are always appreciated.


Karen Wrixon – Headteacher – November 2023