Bridge Street, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1BZ

Forest School Fire!

Year 6’s final Forest School was a hit! They learned how to chop kindling and to make safe fires. They played ‘Firebreak’ activities and finally enjoyed toasted marshmallows from the fire.  

London Calling!

Year 6 visited London for the annual ‘London Gallery Trip’. What a wonderful day! They visited The National, The National Portrait and The Tate Modern Galleries to enjoy a variety of different types of art, including key pieces of work that they had previously studied and researched. They even had a DJ playing tunes for them on the South Bank at lunchtime! 


28 Years Old Tradition!

Apart from a break for Covid, Year 6 have been visiting The Mill in the week of SATs for 28 years! A packed lunch apple was thrown in the very first time (not planned) and Year 6 happened to follow it along the river on their walk back. A discussion re. The Apple of Knowledge/The Journey of Life ensued and ever since, this has been a tradition. One year, the newly-opened Co-op sponsored the event so that ALL children had an apple. This year, a boy and a girl were chosen at random to continue this William Barnes Tradition! 


SATs Breakfasts!

Year 6 came into school earlier during SATs Week in May for their SATs Breakfast – a chance to socialise and relax before their National Tests! Their table mascots were lined up in the hall to watch them enjoy croissants, fruit and juice!



Jigsaw lesson opener! Choose a peer and say how you are connected to them….  We connnected EVERYONE!

Cat Burglar In The House!

Just before Easter, Year 6 were treated to a visit from Tamsin Cooke, the author of one of their class stories – Cat Burglar. Tamsin used to teach at William Barnes way back in 2001, before leaving to have a family and resurfacing as an author! Tamsin was dressed as the main character, Scarlet, who cat burgles with her father, and the children enjoyed an action packed afternoon of drama and information about the origins of the story. Thank you Tamsin!

WE Day!

The Spring Term saw the official launch of William Barnes’ WE Day! The WE Project was begun by other schools in Dorset and and each new school looks to find ‘100 Ways to Change The World’. We began this in September with our Harvest Collection but WE Day was the official beginning. The 100 Ways could be fund raising or raising awareness and is closely linked with the United Nations’ Global Goals – all trying to make the world a better place. Our focus for this was Water Aid and ‘Spend a Penny.’ Families donated all the copper they could and the coins were laid out in a large playground WE! Year 6 took a very active role in organising and collecting.

Maya Day!

Year 6 enjoyed their annual Maya Day just before Easter. This event ends their term’s History Topic on the Ancient Maya. The day included designing and creating hand tattoos, making Maya Salsa to eat with flatbreads, tasting Mayan Hot Chocolate (with cinnamon and chilli), and finally learning about the Number System and the Mayan Gods.


Malala Day Success!

After studying the life of Malala Yousafzai as part of  their PSHE curriculum, Year 6 organised and ran a very successful Malala Day this half term. There are currently 129 million girls not in educaton around the world – this includes 32 million of Primary age. Malala has fought for equal rights for girls since her mid teens and now runs a fund which is dedicated to the development of education for girls around the world.  A cake stall which was brilliantly supported by parents across the school, a bric-a-brac stall and a used tennis ball stall contributed to a massive £270 being raised for the fund.